Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 181 – Dr Evelyn Over


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to ask you as the WAG Environment & Sustainability committee to seriously reconsider the proposed wind farm developments, hubs and pylons in Montgomeryshire and the Welsh Government's policy on renewable and non-renewable energy generation.


This project means that as the plans stand currently 40% of Montgomeryshire will be affected by potential wind farms developments, pylons or the hub. This in return for just 4% of the renewable energy target for Wales. This will have a major impact on the landscape, tourism, biodiversity and road structure of Mid Wales which is already congested in rush-hour especially the A483 Newtown. Windfarm traffic will have a major impact on local businesses. The biodiversity will be seriously affected - an Olympic size swimming pool area will have to be excavated for every windmill and acid grassland or peat habitat will be replaced by concrete. This has a direct effect of loss of habitat and will cause potential flooding downstream.


Please can the Environment & Sustainability committee recommend that must be a comprehensive review of TAN8 and the renwewable energy policy of both Cardiff and Westminster. The review must take in account biodiversity, the existing road system in Mid Wales (please visit Newtown at 8.45am or 4.45pm during the week), potential impact of flooding down stream, impact on communities and businesses and tourism. Please speak to communities in Mid Wales and find out what a major impact the windfarms and traffic will have on our area.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Evelyn Over,